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职务硕士生导师 博士生导师











卓双木,教授/博导,新加坡&美国麻省理工学院科研中心学者奖励计划入选者、福建省特殊支持高层次人才“双百计划”入选者,百千万人才工程省级人选,福建省杰出青年基金获得者,厦门市杰出青年人才。主要从事健康光子新技术新方法研究。近年来,主持国家重点研发计划重点专项(任务)、 国家自然基金(4项)、福建省杰青及滚动项目等项目30余项;迄今,作为第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Communications(2篇)、JAMA Surgery(Top期刊) Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics(Top期刊,Cover Story)、JAMA Network Open (Top期刊)等刊物上发表 SCI论文86篇。所发表论文被Nature Photonics, Nature Biomedical Engineering等国际权威刊物正面引用3160余次,h-index指数32,授权国家发明专利9件。现(曾)任全国光学青年学术论坛副主席、中国青年科技工作者协会信息与电子专业委会委员、中国光学学会生物医学光子学专业委员会委员等。研究成果获福建省科学技术奖一等奖(2010年)、福建省科学技术奖三等奖(3项,2007/2019/2022年)、运盛青年科技奖和福建青年科技奖等奖项。




  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,62375104,面向结直肠癌无标记快速智能诊断的多模态多光子成像方法研究,2024/01-2027/12,负责人。

  2. 国家重点研发计划重点专项(任务),2019YFE0113700,肿瘤边界的无标记多模态在体成像研究,2020/12-2023/12,负责人。

  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81771881,基于多光子显微技术的肝癌精准诊断及预后评估研究,2018/01-2021/12,负责人。

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61275006,基于多光子成像技术的肿瘤基质研究,2013/01-2016/12,负责人。

  5. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,60908043,多光子显微技术用于皮肤光老化诊断和治疗评估的研究,2010/01-2012/12,负责人。

  6. 福建省杰出青年基金滚动资助项目,2018J07004,肝癌精准诊断及预后评估的多光子显微新技术研究,2018/06-2021/06,负责人。

  7. 福建省杰出青年基金项目,2014J06016,基于多光子成像技术的肿瘤诊断及疗效评估研究,2014/01-2016/12,负责人。

  8. 卫生教育联合攻关计划项目,2019-WJ-21,胃肠道肿瘤术中无标记快速多光子成像技术研究,2019/11-2023/06,负责人。

  9. 福建省自然基金面上项目,2011J0101,基质的内源性二次谐波信号用于肿瘤早期诊断的基础研究,2011/05-2014/05,负责人。

  10. 国家973计划,2015CB352006,纳米分辨快速光学成像机理与技术的基础研究,2015/01-2019/12,参与者。

  11. 国家863计划,2015AA020508,活体脑多光子显微结构与功能成像关键技术研究、2015/01-2017/12,参与者。

  12. 国家自然基金重点项目,61335011,经穴效应细胞分子机理的光学表征,2014/01-2018/12,参与者。

  13. 教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划创新团队项目,IRT1115医学光电信息技术方向,2012/01-2014/12,学术骨干

  14. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81272574,多光子光学活检结合循环血肿瘤细胞在肝癌个体化治疗中的应用,2013/01-2013/12,参与者。

  15. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30970783,鳞状上皮肿瘤早期无损诊断和治疗评估的非线性光谱成像技术,2010/01-2012/12,参与者。





[1] H.L. Zhan#, S.Y. Chen#, F. Gao#, G.X. Wang, S.D. Chen, G.Q. Xi, H.Y. Yuan, X.L. Li, W.Y. Liu, C.D. Byrne, G. Targher, M.Y. Chen, Y.F. Yang, J. Chen, Z.W. Fan, X.T. Sun, G.R. Cai*, M.H. Zheng*, and S.M. Zhuo*, “AutoFibroNet: A deep learning and multi-photon microscopy-derived automated network for liver fibrosis quantification in MAFLD,” Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 58(6):573-584, 2023. (IF=7.6, Q1, Cover Story)

[2] S.M. Dong#, H. Wang#, H.L. Ji#, Y.W. Hu, S.H. Zhao, B.T. Yan, G.X. Wang, Z.X. Lin, W.F. Zhu, J.P. Lu, J.X. Cheng, Z.D. Wu, Q. Zhu, S.M. Zhuo*, G. Chen*, and J. Yan*, “Development and validation of a collagen signature to predict the prognosis of patients with stage II/III colorectal cancer,” iScience 26(5):106746, 2023. (IF=5.8, Q1)

[3] G.X. Wang, H.L. Zhan, T.Y. Luo, B.Z. Kang, X.L. Li, G.X. Xi, Z.Y. Liu*, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Automated ovarian cancer identification using end-to-end deep learning and second harmonic generation imaging,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 29(4):7200609, 2023. (IF=4.9, Q1)

[4] W. Jiang, H.M. Wang, W.S. Chen, Y.D. Zhao, B.T. Yan, D.X. Chen, X.Y. Dong, J.X. Cheng, Z.X. Lin, S.M. Zhuo*, H. Wang*, and J. Yan*, “Association of collagen deep learning classifier with prognosis and chemotherapy benefits in stage II-III colon cancer,” Bioengineering & Translational Medicine 8(3):e10526, 2023. (IF=7.4, Q1)

[5] J. Meng, G.X. Wang, L.X. Zhou, S.Y Jiang, S.H. Qian, L.M. Chen, C.C. Wang, R.S. Jiang, C. Yang, B. Niu, Y.J. Liu, Z.H. Ding, S.M. Zhuo*, and Z.Y. Liu*, “Mapping variation of extracellular matrix in human keloid scar by label-free multiphoton imaging and machine learning,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 28(4):045001, 2023. (IF=3.5, Q2)

[6] G.Q. Xi, Q. Wang, H.L. Zhan, D.Y. Kang, Y.L. Liu, T.Y. Luo, M.Y. Xu, Q.L. Kong, L.Q. Zheng, G.N. Chen, J.X. Chen*, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Automated classification of breast cancer histologic grade using multiphoton microscopy and generative adversarial networks,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 56(1):01540, 2023. (IF=3.4, Q2)

[7] S.Y. Jiang#, S.H. Qian#, L.X. Zhou, J. Meng, R.S. Jiang, C.C. Wang, X.G. Fang, C. Yang, Z.H. Ding, S.M. Zhuo*, and Z.Y. Liu*, “Mapping the 3D remodeling of the extracellular matrix in human hypertrophic scar by multi-parametric multiphoton imaging using endogenous contrast,” Heliyon 9:e13653, 2023. (IF=4.0, Q2)

[8] D.X. Chen#, M.T. Fu#, L.J. Chi#, L.Y. Lin#, J.X. Cheng, W.S. Xue, C.Y. Long, W. Jiang, X.Y. Dong, J. Sui, D.J. Lin, J.P. Lu, S.M. Zhuo*, S.D. Liu*, G.X. Li*, G. Chen*, and J. Yan*, “Prognostic and predictive value of a pathomics signature in gastric cancer,” Nature Communications 13(1):6903, 2022. (IF=17.69, Q1)  

[9] S.H. Qian, G.X. Wang, J. Meng, S.Y. Jiang, L.X. Zhou, J.P. Lu, Z.H. Ding, S.M. Zhuo*, and Z.Y. Liu*, “Identification of human ovarian cancer relying on collagen fiber coverage features by quantitative second harmonic generation imaging,” Optics Express 30(14):25718-25733, 2022. (IF=3.83, Q2)

[10] J. Meng, L.X. Zhou, S.H. Qian, C.C. Wang, Z. Feng, S.Y. Jiang, R.S. Jiang, Z.H. Ding, J. Qian, S.M. Zhuo*, and Z.Y. Liu*, “Highly accurate, automated quantification of 2D/3D orientation for cerebrovasculature using window optimizing method,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 27(10):105003, 2022. (IF=3.75, Q2, Cover Story)

[11] W. Jiang#, S.J. Wang#, J.L. Wan#, J.X. Zheng#, X.Y. Dong, Z. Liu, G.X. Wang, S.Y. Xu, W.W. Xiao, Y.H. Gao*, S.M. Zhuo*, and J. Yan*, “Association of the collagen signature with pathological complete response in rectal cancer patients,” Cancer Science 113(7):2409-2424, 2022. (IF=6.51, Q1)

[12] X.Y. Dong#, Y. Huang#, X. Yu#, M.J. Huang, W. Jiang, D.X. Chen, G.X. Wang, S.M. Zhuo*, P. Chi*, and J. Yan*, “Collagen score in the tumor microenvironment predicts the prognosis of rectal cancer patients after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy,” Radiotherapy and Oncology 167:99-108, 2022. (IF=6.90, Q1)

[13] X.H. Li, Y.C. Huang, J.W. Chen, S.M. Zhuo*, Z.Y. Lin*, and J.X. Chen*, “A highly sensitive homogeneous electrochemiluminescence biosensor for flap endonuclease 1 based on branched hybridization chain reaction amplification and ultrafiltration separation,” Bioelectrochemistry 147:108189, 2022. (IF=5.0, Q1)

[14] W. Jiang, H.M. Wang, J.X. Zheng, Y.D. Zhao, S.Y. Xu, S.M. Zhuo*, H. Wang*, and J. Yan*, “Post-operative anastomotic leakage and collagen changes in patients with rectal cancer undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy vs chemoradiotherapy,” Gastroenterology Report 10:goac058, 2022. (IF=3.6, Q2)

[15] D.X. Chen#, Z. Liu#, W. Liu#, M.T. Fu#, W. Jiang, S.Y. Xu, G.X. Wang, F. Chen, J.P. Lu, H. Chen, X.Y. Dong, G.X. Li*, G. Chen*, S.M. Zhuo*, and J. Yan*, “Predicting postoperative peritoneal metastasis in gastric cancer with serosal invasion using a collagen nomogram,” Nature Communications 12:179, 2021. (IF=17.69, Q1)

[16] G.X. Wang#, Y. Sun#*, S.S. Jiang, G.Z. Wu*, W.L. Liao, Y.W. Chen, Z.X. Lin, Z.Y. Liu, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Machine learning-based rapid diagnosis of human borderline ovarian cancer on second-harmonic generation images,” Biomedical Optics Express 12(9):5658-5669, 2021. (IF=3.732, Q2)

[17] D.X. Chen#, H. Chen#, L.J. Chi#, M.T. Fu#, G.X. Wang, Z.D. Wu, S.Y. Xu, C.H. Sun, X.Q. Xu, L.Y. Lin, J.X. Cheng, W. Jiang, X.Y. Dong, J.P. Lu, J.X. Zheng, G. Chen, G.X. Li, S.M. Zhuo*, and J. Yan*, “Association of tumor-associated collagen signature with prognosis and adjuvant chemotherapy benefits in patients with gastric cancer,” JAMA Network Open 4(11):e2136388, 2021. (IF=13.8, Q1)

[18] X.Q. Xu#, G.X. Wang#, D.Q. Peng, L.Q. Zheng, L.S. Lin, X.L. Zheng*, Z.Z. Zhan*, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Differentiation of early gastric cancer infiltration depths using nonlinear optical microscopy,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54:394001, 2021. (IF=3.4, Q2)

[19] W. Jiang#, M. Li#, J. Tan#, M.Y. Feng#, J.X. Zheng, D.X. Chen, Z. Liu, B.T. Yan, G.X. Wang, S.Y. Xu, W.W. Xiao, Y.H. Gao*, S.M. Zhuo*, and J. Yan*, “A nomogram based on a collagen feature support vector machine for predicting the treatment response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in rectal cancer patients,” Annals of Surgical Oncology 28(11):6408-6421, 2021. (IF=5.344, Q1)

[20] W. Chen#, S. Dong#, X. Liu, G.X. Wang, S. Xu, S. Lei, S.M. Zhuo*, and J. Yan*, “Association of the collagen signature in the tumor microenvironment with recurrence and survival of patients with T4N0M0 colon cancer,” Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 64(5):563-575, 2021. (IF=4.785, Q1)

[21] W. Jiang, M.Y. Feng, J.X. Zheng, G.X. Wang, S.Y. Xu, L.H. Zhou, S.M. Zhuo*, and J. Yan*, “Association of the collagen score with anastomotic leakage in rectal cancer patients after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy,” Surgery 170(5):1331-1341, 2021. (IF=3.982, Q1)

[22] G.X. Wang#, Y. Sun#*, Y.T. Chen, Q.Q. Gao, D.Q. Peng, H.X. Lin, Z.L. Zhan, Z.Y. Liu, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Rapid identification of human ovarian cancer in second harmonic generation images using radiomics feature analyses and tree-based pipeline optimization tool,” Journal of Biophotonics 13:e202000050, 2020. (IF=3.207, Q2, Cover Story)

[23] H.X. Lin#, J.L. Xie#, T.J. Fan, Y.W. He, J.X. Chen, H. Zhang*, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Rapid prediction of drug inhibition under heat stress: single-photon imaging combined with a convolutional neural network,” Nanoscale 12:23134-23139, 2020. (IF=7.79, Q1)

[24] X.L. Zheng#, N. Zuo#, H.X. Lin, L.Q. Zheng, M. Ni, G.Z. Wu*, J.X. Chen, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Margin diagnosis for endoscopic submucosal dissection of early gastric cancer using multiphoton microscopy,” Surgical Endoscopy 34:408-416, 2020. (IF=4.584, Q1)

[25] D.X. Chen#, G. Chen#, W. Jiang#, M.T. Fu#, W. Liu, J. Sui, S. Xu, Z. Liu, X. Zheng, L. Chi, D. Lin, K. Li, W. Chen, N. Zuo, J. Lu, J. Chen, G.X. Li, S.M. Zhuo*, and J. Yan*, “Association of the collagen signature in the tumor microenvironment with lymph node metastasis in early gastric cancer,” JAMA Surgery 154 (3):e185249, 2019. (IF=16.9, Q1)

[26] H.X. Lin#, C. Wei#, G.X. Wang, H. Chen, L.S. Lin, M. Ni, J.X. Chen, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Automated classification of hepatocellular carcinoma differentiation using multiphoton microscopy and deep learning,” Journal of Biophotonics 12:e201800435, 2019. (IF=3.207, Q2, Cover Story)

[27] H.X. Lin#, T.J. Fan#, J. Sui#, G.X. Wang, J.X. Chen, S.M. Zhuo*, and H. Zhang*, “Recent advances in multiphoton microscopy combined with nanomaterials in the field of disease evolution and clinical applications to liver cancer,” Nanoscale 11:19619-19635, 2019. (IF=7.79, Q1)

[28] M. Ni#*, S.M. Zhuo#*, C. Iliescu, P.T.C. So, J.S. Mehta, H. Yu*, C.A.E. Hauser*, “Self-assembling amyloid-like peptides as exogenous second harmonic probes for bioimaging applications,” Journal of Biophotonics 12: e201900065, 2019. (IF=3.207, Q2)

[29] H.X. Lin#, C. Wei#, N. Cao, H. Chen, G.X. Wang, J.X. Chen, G.N. Chen* and S.M. Zhuo*, “A novel low-signal image enhancement method for multiphoton microscopy,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52:285401, 2019. (IF=3.207, Q2)

[30] H.X. Lin#, L. Lin#, G.X. Wang, N. Zuo, Z.L. Zhan, S.S. Xie, G. Chen, J.X. Chen, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Label-free classification of hepatocellular-carcinoma grading using second harmonic generation microscopy,” Biomedical Optics Express 9(8):3783-3793, 2018. (IF=3.732, Q2)

[31] K. H. Chan, W. H. Lee, S.M. Zhuo*, M. Ning*, “Harnessing supramolecular peptide nanotechnology in biomedical applications,” International Journal of Nanomedicine 12:1171-1182, 2017. (IF=8.0, Q1)

[32] F. Yu, S.M. Zhuo*, Y. Qu, D. Choudhury, Z. Wang, C. Iliescu*, H. Yu, “On chip two-photon metabolic imaging for drug toxicity testing,” Biomicrofluidics 11 (3):034108, 2017. (IF=3.2, Q2)

[33] M. Ning*, S.M. Zhuo*, P.T.C. So, and H. Yu*, “Fluorescent Probes for Nanoscopy: Four Categories and Multiple Possibilities,” Journal of Biophotonics 10:11-23, 2017. (IF=3.207, Q2)

[34] M Ni, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Second harmonic generation microscopy for label-free imaging of fibrillar-like mesostructured polysulfone biomaterials,” Optical Materials Express 5:2692-2697, 2015. (IF=3.442, Q2)

[35] Q.W. Peng, S.M. Zhuo*, P.T.C. So, and H. Yu*, “Improving liver fibrosis diagnosis based on forward and backward second harmonic generation signals,” Applied Physics Letters 106:083701, 2015. (IF=3.791, Q2)

[36] S.M. Zhuo, J. Yan, Y. Kang, S.Y. Xu, Q.W. Peng, P.T.C. So, and H. Yu, “In vivo, label-free, three-dimensional quantitative imaging of liver surface using multi-photon microscopy,” Applied Physics Letters 105:023701, 2014. (IF=3.791, Q2)

[37] J. Yan*, S.M. Zhuo*, G. Chen, J.W. Milsom, H. Zhang, J. Lu, W. Zhu, S. Xie, J. Chen, and M.Ying, “Real-time optical diagnosis for surgical margin in low rectal cancer using multiphoton microscopy,” Surgical Endoscopy 28:36-41, 2014. (IF=4.584, Q1)

[38] S.M. Zhuo, J.X. Chen, G.Z. Wu, X.Q. Zhu, X.S. Jiang, and S.S. Xie, “Label-free multiphoton imaging and photoablation of preinvasive cancer cells,” Applied Physics Letters 100:023703, 2012. (IF=3.791, Q2)

[39] J. Yan, S.M. Zhuo*, G. Chen, D. Zhou, S.S. Xie, J.H. Jiang, J. Fan, M.G. Ying, J.X. Chen, and J. Zhou*, “A preclinical study of using multiphoton microscopy to diagnose liver cancer and differentiate benign and malignant liver lesions,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 17:026004, 2012. (IF=3.17, Q2)

[40] S.M. Zhuo, X.Q. Zhu, G.Z. Wu, J.X. Chen, and S.S. Xie, “Quantitative biomarkers of colonic dysplasia based on intrinsic second-harmonic generation signal,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 16:120501, 2011. (IF=3.17, Q2)

[41] J.X. Chen#, S.M. Zhuo#, G. Chen#, J. Yan, H.Q. Yang, N.R. Liu, L.Q. Zheng, X.S. Jiang, and S.S. Xie, “Establishing diagnostic features for identifying the mucosa and submucosa of normal and cancerous gastric tissues by multiphoton microscopy,” Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 73:802-807, 2011. (IF=9.427, Q1)

[42] S.M. Zhuo, J. Yan, G. Chen, J.X. Chen, Y.C. Liu, J.P. Lu, X.Q. Zhu, X.S. Jiang, and S.S. Xie, “Label-free monitoring of colonic cancer progression using multiphoton microscopy,” Biomedical Optics Express 2:615, 2011. (IF=3.732, Q2)

[43] S.M. Zhuo, L.Q. Zheng, J.X. Chen, S.S. Xie, X.Q. Zhu and X.S. Jiang, “Depth-cumulated epithelial redox ratio and stromal collagen quantity as quantitative intrinsic indicators for differentiating normal, inflammatory, and dysplastic epithelial tissues,” Applied Physics Letters 97:173701, 2010. (IF=3.791, Q2)

[44] S.M. Zhuo, J.X. Chen, G.Z. Wu, S.S. Xie, L.Q. Zheng, X.S. Jiang, and X.Q. Zhu, “Quantitatively linking collagen alteration and epithelial tumor progression by second harmonic generation microscopy,” Applied Physics Letters 96:213704, 2010. (IF=3.791, Q2)

[45] S.M. Zhuo, J.X. Chen, S.S. Xie, Z.B. Hong, and X.S. Jiang, “Extracting diagnostic stromal organization features based on intrinsic two-photon excited fluorescence and second-harmonic generation signals,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 14:020503, 2009. (IF=3.17, Q2)

[46] L. Fan#, C.G. Lin#, S.M. Zhuo#, L.L. Chen, N. Liu, Y.K. Luo, J. Fang, Z.R. Huang, Y.L. Lin, and J.X. Chen, “Transplantation with survivin-engineered mesenchymal stem cells results in better prognosis in a rat model of myocardial infarction,” European Journal of Heart Failure 11:1023, 2009. (IF=18.2, Q1)

[47] S.M. Zhuo, J.X. Chen, B.Y. Yu, X.S. Jiang, T. Luo, Q.G. Liu, R. Chen and S.S. Xie, “Nonlinear optical microscopy of the bronchus,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 13:054024, 2008. (IF=3.17, Q2)

[48] S.M. Zhuo, J.X. Chen, N. Cao, X.S. Jiang, S.S. Xie and S.Y. Xiong, “Imaging collagen remodeling and sensing transplanted autologous fibroblasts metabolism in mouse dermis using multimode nonlinear optical imaging,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 53:3317-3325, 2008. (IF=3.609, Q2)

[49] S.M. Zhuo, J.X. Chen, X.S. Jiang, S.S. Xie, Q. Zou, N. Cao, and S. Xiong, “The layered resolved microstructure and spectroscopy of mouse oral mucosa using multiphoton microscopy,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 52:4967-4980, 2007. (IF=3.609, Q2)

[50] S.M. Zhuo, J.X. Chen, T.S. Luo, D.S. Zou, and J.J. Zhao, “Multimode nonlinear optical imaging of the dermis in ex vivo human skin based on the combination of multichannel mode and Lambda mode,” Optics Express 14:7810-7820, 2006. (IF=3.894, Q2)




[1] 百千万人才工程省级人选,2021年。

[2] 厦门市杰出青年人才,2021年。

[3] 福建省级高层人才,2021年。

[4] 福建运盛科技奖,2016年。

[5] 福建省特殊支持高层次人才“双百计划”,2014年。

[6] 福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2013年。

[7] 新加坡&美国麻省理工学院研究中心学者奖励计划,2012年。

[8] 福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划,2012年。

[9] 福建青年科技奖,2011年。


































  • 个人简介


卓双木,教授/博导,新加坡&美国麻省理工学院科研中心学者奖励计划入选者、福建省特殊支持高层次人才双百计划入选者,百千万人才工程省级人选,福建省杰出青年基金获得者,厦门市杰出青年人才。主要从事健康光子新技术新方法研究。近年来,主持国家重点研发计划重点专项(任务)、 国家自然基金(4项)、福建省杰青及滚动项目等项目30余项;迄今,作为第一作者或通讯作者在Nature Communications2篇)、JAMA SurgeryTop期刊) Alimentary Pharmacology & TherapeuticsTop期刊,Cover Story)、JAMA Network Open (Top期刊)等刊物上发表 SCI论文86篇。所发表论文被Nature Photonics, Nature Biomedical Engineering等国际权威刊物正面引用3160余次,h-index指数32,授权国家发明专利9件。现(曾)任全国光学青年学术论坛副主席、中国青年科技工作者协会信息与电子专业委会委员、中国光学学会生物医学光子学专业委员会委员等。研究成果获福建省科学技术奖一等奖(2010年)、福建省科学技术奖三等奖(3项,2007/2019/2022年)、运盛青年科技奖和福建青年科技奖等奖项。



  • 科研(教学)项目、成果及专利等

  1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,62375104,面向结直肠癌无标记快速智能诊断的多模态多光子成像方法研究,2024/01-2027/12,负责人。

  1. 国家重点研发计划重点专项(任务),2019YFE0113700,肿瘤边界的无标记多模态在体成像研究,2020/12-2023/12,负责人。

  2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81771881,基于多光子显微技术的肝癌精准诊断及预后评估研究,2018/01-2021/12,负责人。

  3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,61275006,基于多光子成像技术的肿瘤基质研究,2013/01-2016/12,负责人。

  4. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,60908043,多光子显微技术用于皮肤光老化诊断和治疗评估的研究,2010/01-2012/12,负责人。

  5. 福建省杰出青年基金滚动资助项目,2018J07004,肝癌精准诊断及预后评估的多光子显微新技术研究,2018/06-2021/06,负责人。

  6. 福建省杰出青年基金项目,2014J06016,基于多光子成像技术的肿瘤诊断及疗效评估研究,2014/01-2016/12,负责人。

  7. 卫生教育联合攻关计划项目,2019-WJ-21,胃肠道肿瘤术中无标记快速多光子成像技术研究,2019/11-2023/06,负责人。

  1. 福建省自然基金面上项目,2011J0101,基质的内源性二次谐波信号用于肿瘤早期诊断的基础研究,2011/05-2014/05,负责人。

  2. 国家973计划,2015CB352006,纳米分辨快速光学成像机理与技术的基础研究,2015/01-2019/12,参与者。

  1. 国家863计划,2015AA020508,活体脑多光子显微结构与功能成像关键技术研究、2015/01-2017/12,参与者。

  2. 国家自然基金重点项目,61335011,经穴效应细胞分子机理的光学表征,2014/01-2018/12,参与者。

  3. 教育部长江学者和创新团队发展计划创新团队项目,IRT1115医学光电信息技术方向,2012/01-2014/12,学术骨干

  4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81272574,多光子光学活检结合循环血肿瘤细胞在肝癌个体化治疗中的应用,2013/01-2013/12,参与者。

  5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,30970783,鳞状上皮肿瘤早期无损诊断和治疗评估的非线性光谱成像技术,2010/01-2012/12,参与者。




  • 以第一作者/通讯作者发表的代表性论文


  1. H.L. Zhan#, S.Y. Chen#, F. Gao#, G.X. Wang, S.D. Chen, G.Q. Xi, H.Y. Yuan, X.L. Li, W.Y. Liu, C.D. Byrne, G. Targher, M.Y. Chen, Y.F. Yang, J. Chen, Z.W. Fan, X.T. Sun, G.R. Cai*, M.H. Zheng*, and S.M. Zhuo*, “AutoFibroNet: A deep learning and multi-photon microscopy-derived automated network for liver fibrosis quantification in MAFLD,” Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics 58(6):573-584, 2023. (IF=7.6, Q1, Cover Story)

  2. S.M. Dong#, H. Wang#, H.L. Ji#, Y.W. Hu, S.H. Zhao, B.T. Yan, G.X. Wang, Z.X. Lin, W.F. Zhu, J.P. Lu, J.X. Cheng, Z.D. Wu, Q. Zhu, S.M. Zhuo*, G. Chen*, and J. Yan*, “Development and validation of a collagen signature to predict the prognosis of patients with stage II/III colorectal cancer,” iScience 26(5):106746, 2023. (IF=5.8, Q1)

  3. G.X. Wang, H.L. Zhan, T.Y. Luo, B.Z. Kang, X.L. Li, G.X. Xi, Z.Y. Liu*, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Automated ovarian cancer identification using end-to-end deep learning and second harmonic generation imaging,” IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 29(4):7200609, 2023. (IF=4.9, Q1)

  4. W. Jiang, H.M. Wang, W.S. Chen, Y.D. Zhao, B.T. Yan, D.X. Chen, X.Y. Dong, J.X. Cheng, Z.X. Lin, S.M. Zhuo*, H. Wang*, and J. Yan*, “Association of collagen deep learning classifier with prognosis and chemotherapy benefits in stage II-III colon cancer,” Bioengineering & Translational Medicine 8(3):e10526, 2023. (IF=7.4, Q1)

  5. J. Meng, G.X. Wang, L.X. Zhou, S.Y Jiang, S.H. Qian, L.M. Chen, C.C. Wang, R.S. Jiang, C. Yang, B. Niu, Y.J. Liu, Z.H. Ding, S.M. Zhuo*, and Z.Y. Liu*, “Mapping variation of extracellular matrix in human keloid scar by label-free multiphoton imaging and machine learning,Journal of Biomedical Optics 28(4):045001, 2023. (IF=3.5, Q2)

  6. G.Q. Xi, Q. Wang, H.L. Zhan, D.Y. Kang, Y.L. Liu, T.Y. Luo, M.Y. Xu, Q.L. Kong, L.Q. Zheng, G.N. Chen, J.X. Chen*, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Automated classification of breast cancer histologic grade using multiphoton microscopy and generative adversarial networks,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 56(1):01540, 2023. (IF=3.4, Q2)

  7. S.Y. Jiang#, S.H. Qian#, L.X. Zhou, J. Meng, R.S. Jiang, C.C. Wang, X.G. Fang, C. Yang, Z.H. Ding, S.M. Zhuo*, and Z.Y. Liu*, “Mapping the 3D remodeling of the extracellular matrix in human hypertrophic scar by multi-parametric multiphoton imaging using endogenous contrast,” Heliyon 9:e13653, 2023. (IF=4.0, Q2)

  8. D.X. Chen#, M.T. Fu#, L.J. Chi#, L.Y. Lin#, J.X. Cheng, W.S. Xue, C.Y. Long, W. Jiang, X.Y. Dong, J. Sui, D.J. Lin, J.P. Lu, S.M. Zhuo*, S.D. Liu*, G.X. Li*, G. Chen*, and J. Yan*, Prognostic and predictive value of a pathomics signature in gastric cancer,Nature Communications 13(1):6903, 2022. (IF=17.69, Q1) 

  9. S.H. Qian, G.X. Wang, J. Meng, S.Y. Jiang, L.X. Zhou, J.P. Lu, Z.H. Ding, S.M. Zhuo*, and Z.Y. Liu*, “Identification of human ovarian cancer relying on collagen fiber coverage features by quantitative second harmonic generation imaging,” Optics Express 30(14):25718-25733, 2022. (IF=3.83, Q2)

  10. J. Meng, L.X. Zhou, S.H. Qian, C.C. Wang, Z. Feng, S.Y. Jiang, R.S. Jiang, Z.H. Ding, J. Qian, S.M. Zhuo*, and Z.Y. Liu*, “Highly accurate, automated quantification of 2D/3D orientation for cerebrovasculature using window optimizing method,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 27(10):105003, 2022. (IF=3.75, Q2, Cover Story)

  11. W. Jiang#, S.J. Wang#, J.L. Wan#, J.X. Zheng#, X.Y. Dong, Z. Liu, G.X. Wang, S.Y. Xu, W.W. Xiao, Y.H. Gao*,S.M. Zhuo*, and J. Yan*, “Association of the collagen signature with pathological complete response in rectal cancer patients,” Cancer Science 113(7):2409-2424, 2022. (IF=6.51, Q1)

  12. X.Y. Dong#, Y. Huang#, X. Yu#, M.J. Huang, W. Jiang, D.X. Chen, G.X. Wang, S.M. Zhuo*, P. Chi*, and J. Yan*, “Collagen score in the tumor microenvironment predicts the prognosis of rectal cancer patients after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy,” Radiotherapy and Oncology 167:99-108, 2022. (IF=6.90, Q1)

  13. X.H. Li, Y.C. Huang, J.W. Chen, S.M. Zhuo*, Z.Y. Lin*, and J.X. Chen*, “A highly sensitive homogeneous electrochemiluminescence biosensor for flap endonuclease 1 based on branched hybridization chain reaction amplification and ultrafiltration separation,” Bioelectrochemistry 147:108189, 2022. (IF=5.0, Q1)

  14. W. Jiang, H.M. Wang, J.X. Zheng, Y.D. Zhao, S.Y. Xu, S.M. Zhuo*, H. Wang*, and J. Yan*, “Post-operative anastomotic leakage and collagen changes in patients with rectal cancer undergoing neoadjuvant chemotherapy vs chemoradiotherapy,” Gastroenterology Report 10:goac058, 2022. (IF=3.6, Q2)

  15. D.X. Chen#, Z. Liu#, W. Liu#, M.T. Fu#, W. Jiang, S.Y. Xu, G.X. Wang, F. Chen, J.P. Lu, H. Chen, X.Y. Dong, G.X. Li*, G. Chen*, S.M. Zhuo*, and J. Yan*, “Predicting postoperative peritoneal metastasis in gastric cancer with serosal invasion using a collagen nomogram,” Nature Communications 12:179, 2021. (IF=17.69, Q1)

  16. G.X. Wang#, Y. Sun#*, S.S. Jiang, G.Z. Wu*, W.L. Liao, Y.W. Chen, Z.X. Lin, Z.Y. Liu, and S.M. Zhuo*,“Machine learning-based rapid diagnosis of human borderline ovarian cancer on second-harmonic generation images,” Biomedical Optics Express 12(9):5658-5669, 2021. (IF=3.732, Q2)

  17. D.X. Chen#, H. Chen#, L.J. Chi#, M.T. Fu#, G.X. Wang, Z.D. Wu, S.Y. Xu, C.H. Sun, X.Q. Xu, L.Y. Lin, J.X. Cheng, W. Jiang, X.Y. Dong, J.P. Lu, J.X. Zheng, G. Chen, G.X. Li, S.M. Zhuo*, and J. Yan*, “Association of tumor-associated collagen signature with prognosis and adjuvant chemotherapy benefits in patients with gastric cancer,” JAMA Network Open 4(11):e2136388, 2021. (IF=13.8, Q1)

  18. X.Q. Xu#, G.X. Wang#, D.Q. Peng, L.Q. Zheng, L.S. Lin, X.L. Zheng*, Z.Z. Zhan*, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Differentiation of early gastric cancer infiltration depths using nonlinear optical microscopy,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 54:394001, 2021. (IF=3.4, Q2)

  19. W. Jiang#, M. Li#, J. Tan#, M.Y. Feng#, J.X. Zheng, D.X. Chen, Z. Liu, B.T. Yan, G.X. Wang, S.Y. Xu, W.W. Xiao, Y.H. Gao*, S.M. Zhuo*, and J. Yan*, “A nomogram based on a collagen feature support vector machine for predicting the treatment response to neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy in rectal cancer patients,” Annals of Surgical Oncology 28(11):6408-6421, 2021. (IF=5.344, Q1)

  20. W. Chen#, S. Dong#, X. Liu, G.X. Wang, S. Xu, S. Lei, S.M. Zhuo*, and J. Yan*, “Association of the collagen signature in the tumor microenvironment with recurrence and survival of patients with T4N0M0 colon cancer,” Diseases of the Colon & Rectum 64(5):563-575, 2021. (IF=4.785, Q1)

  21. W. Jiang, M.Y. Feng, J.X. Zheng, G.X. Wang, S.Y. Xu, L.H. Zhou, S.M. Zhuo*, and J. Yan*, “Association of the collagen score with anastomotic leakage in rectal cancer patients after neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy,” Surgery 170(5):1331-1341, 2021. (IF=3.982, Q1)

  22. G.X. Wang#, Y. Sun#*, Y.T. Chen, Q.Q. Gao, D.Q. Peng, H.X. Lin, Z.L. Zhan, Z.Y. Liu, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Rapid identification of human ovarian cancer in second harmonic generation images using radiomics feature analyses and tree-based pipeline optimization tool,” Journal of Biophotonics 13:e202000050, 2020. (IF=3.207, Q2, Cover Story)

  23. H.X. Lin#, J.L. Xie#, T.J. Fan, Y.W. He, J.X. Chen, H. Zhang*, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Rapid prediction of drug inhibition under heat stress: single-photon imaging combined with a convolutional neural network,” Nanoscale 12:23134-23139, 2020. (IF=7.79, Q1)

  24. X.L. Zheng#, N. Zuo#, H.X. Lin, L.Q. Zheng, M. Ni, G.Z. Wu*, J.X. Chen, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Margin diagnosis for endoscopic submucosal dissection of early gastric cancer using multiphoton microscopy,” Surgical Endoscopy 34:408-416, 2020. (IF=4.584, Q1)

  25. D.X. Chen#, G. Chen#, W. Jiang#, M.T. Fu#, W. Liu, J. Sui, S. Xu, Z. Liu, X. Zheng, L. Chi, D. Lin, K. Li, W. Chen, N. Zuo, J. Lu, J. Chen, G.X. Li, S.M. Zhuo*, and J. Yan*, Association of the collagen signature in the tumor microenvironment with lymph node metastasis in early gastric cancer,” JAMA Surgery 154 (3):e185249, 2019. (IF=16.9, Q1)

  26. H.X. Lin#, C. Wei#, G.X. Wang, H. Chen, L.S. Lin, M. Ni, J.X. Chen, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Automated classification of hepatocellular carcinoma differentiation using multiphoton microscopy and deep learning,” Journal of Biophotonics 12:e201800435, 2019. (IF=3.207, Q2, Cover Story)

  27. H.X. Lin#, T.J. Fan#, J. Sui#, G.X. Wang, J.X. Chen, S.M. Zhuo*, and H. Zhang*, “Recent advances in multiphoton microscopy combined with nanomaterials in the field of disease evolution and clinical applications to liver cancer,” Nanoscale 11:19619-19635, 2019. (IF=7.79, Q1)

  28. M. Ni#*, S.M. Zhuo#*, C. Iliescu, P.T.C. So, J.S. Mehta, H. Yu*, C.A.E. Hauser*, “Self-assembling amyloid-like peptides as exogenous second harmonic probes for bioimaging applications,” Journal of Biophotonics 12: e201900065, 2019. (IF=3.207, Q2)

  29. H.X. Lin#, C. Wei#, N. Cao, H. Chen, G.X. Wang, J.X. Chen, G.N. Chen* and S.M. Zhuo*, “A novel low-signal image enhancement method for multiphoton microscopy,” Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 52:285401, 2019. (IF=3.207, Q2)

  30. H.X. Lin#, L. Lin#, G.X. Wang, N. Zuo, Z.L. Zhan, S.S. Xie, G. Chen, J.X. Chen, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Label-free classification of hepatocellular-carcinoma grading using second harmonic generation microscopy,” Biomedical Optics Express 9(8):3783-3793, 2018. (IF=3.732, Q2)

  31. K. H. Chan, W. H. Lee, S.M. Zhuo*, M. Ning*, “Harnessing supramolecular peptide nanotechnology in biomedical applications,” International Journal of Nanomedicine 12:1171-1182, 2017. (IF=8.0, Q1)

  32. F. Yu, S.M. Zhuo*, Y. Qu, D. Choudhury, Z. Wang, C. Iliescu*, H. Yu, “On chip two-photon metabolic imaging for drug toxicity testing,” Biomicrofluidics 11 (3):034108, 2017. (IF=3.2, Q2)

  33. M. Ning*, S.M. Zhuo*, P.T.C. So, and H. Yu*, “Fluorescent Probes for Nanoscopy: Four Categories and Multiple Possibilities,” Journal of Biophotonics 10:11-23, 2017. (IF=3.207, Q2)

  34. M Ni, and S.M. Zhuo*, “Second harmonic generation microscopy for label-free imaging of fibrillar-like mesostructured polysulfone biomaterials,” Optical Materials Express 5:2692-2697, 2015. (IF=3.442, Q2)

  35. Q.W. Peng, S.M. Zhuo*,P.T.C. So, and H. Yu*, “Improving liver fibrosis diagnosis based on forward and backward second harmonic generation signals,” Applied Physics Letters 106:083701, 2015. (IF=3.791, Q2)

  36. S.M. Zhuo, J. Yan, Y. Kang, S.Y. Xu, Q.W. Peng, P.T.C. So, and H. Yu, “In vivo, label-free, three-dimensional quantitative imaging of liver surface using multi-photon microscopy,” Applied Physics Letters 105:023701, 2014. (IF=3.791, Q2)

  37. J. Yan*, S.M. Zhuo*, G. Chen, J.W. Milsom, H. Zhang, J. Lu, W. Zhu, S. Xie, J. Chen, and M.Ying, Real-time optical diagnosis for surgical margin in low rectal cancer using multiphoton microscopy,Surgical Endoscopy 28:36-41, 2014. (IF=4.584, Q1)

  38. S.M. Zhuo, J.X. Chen, G.Z. Wu, X.Q. Zhu, X.S. Jiang, and S.S. Xie, “Label-free multiphoton imaging and photoablation of preinvasive cancer cells,” Applied Physics Letters 100:023703, 2012. (IF=3.791, Q2)

  39. J. Yan, S.M. Zhuo*, G. Chen, D. Zhou, S.S. Xie, J.H. Jiang, J. Fan, M.G. Ying, J.X. Chen, and J. Zhou*, “A preclinical study of using multiphoton microscopy to diagnose liver cancer and differentiate benign and malignant liver lesions,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 17:026004, 2012. (IF=3.17, Q2)

  40. S.M. Zhuo, X.Q. Zhu, G.Z. Wu, J.X. Chen, and S.S. Xie, “Quantitative biomarkers of colonic dysplasia based on intrinsic second-harmonic generation signal,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 16:120501, 2011. (IF=3.17, Q2)

  41. J.X. Chen#, S.M. Zhuo#, G. Chen#, J. Yan, H.Q. Yang, N.R. Liu, L.Q. Zheng, X.S. Jiang, and S.S. Xie, “Establishing diagnostic features for identifying the mucosa and submucosa of normal and cancerous gastric tissues by multiphoton microscopy,” Gastrointestinal Endoscopy 73:802-807, 2011. (IF=9.427, Q1)

  42. S.M. Zhuo, J. Yan, G. Chen, J.X. Chen, Y.C. Liu, J.P. Lu, X.Q. Zhu, X.S. Jiang, and S.S. Xie, “Label-free monitoring of colonic cancer progression using multiphoton microscopy,” Biomedical Optics Express 2:615, 2011. (IF=3.732, Q2)

  43. S.M. Zhuo, L.Q. Zheng, J.X. Chen, S.S. Xie, X.Q. Zhu and X.S. Jiang, “Depth-cumulated epithelial redox ratio and stromal collagen quantity as quantitative intrinsic indicators for differentiating normal, inflammatory, and dysplastic epithelial tissues,” Applied Physics Letters 97:173701, 2010. (IF=3.791, Q2)

  44. S.M. Zhuo, J.X. Chen, G.Z. Wu, S.S. Xie, L.Q. Zheng, X.S. Jiang, and X.Q. Zhu, “Quantitatively linking collagen alteration and epithelial tumor progression by second harmonic generation microscopy,” Applied Physics Letters 96:213704, 2010. (IF=3.791, Q2)

  45. S.M. Zhuo, J.X. Chen, S.S. Xie, Z.B. Hong, and X.S. Jiang, “Extracting diagnostic stromal organization features based on intrinsic two-photon excited fluorescence and second-harmonic generation signals,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 14:020503, 2009. (IF=3.17, Q2)

  46. L. Fan#, C.G. Lin#, S.M. Zhuo#, L.L. Chen, N. Liu, Y.K. Luo, J. Fang, Z.R. Huang, Y.L. Lin, and J.X. Chen, “Transplantation with survivin-engineered mesenchymal stem cells results in better prognosis in a rat model of myocardial infarction,” European Journal of Heart Failure 11:1023, 2009. (IF=18.2, Q1)

  47. S.M. Zhuo, J.X. Chen, B.Y. Yu, X.S. Jiang, T. Luo, Q.G. Liu, R. Chen and S.S. Xie, “Nonlinear optical microscopy of the bronchus,” Journal of Biomedical Optics 13:054024, 2008. (IF=3.17, Q2)

  48. S.M. Zhuo, J.X. Chen, N. Cao, X.S. Jiang, S.S. Xie and S.Y. Xiong, “Imaging collagen remodeling and sensing transplanted autologous fibroblasts metabolism in mouse dermis using multimode nonlinear optical imaging,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 53:3317-3325, 2008. (IF=3.609, Q2)

  49. S.M. Zhuo, J.X. Chen, X.S. Jiang, S.S. Xie, Q. Zou, N. Cao, and S. Xiong, “The layered resolved microstructure and spectroscopy of mouse oral mucosa using multiphoton microscopy,” Physics in Medicine and Biology 52:4967-4980, 2007. (IF=3.609, Q2)

  50. S.M. Zhuo, J.X. Chen, T.S. Luo, D.S. Zou, and J.J. Zhao, “Multimode nonlinear optical imaging of the dermis in ex vivo human skin based on the combination of multichannel mode and Lambda mode,” Optics Express 14:7810-7820, 2006. (IF=3.894, Q2)




  • 荣誉奖励及参加学术团体的情况

  1. 百千万人才工程省级人选,2022年。

  2. 厦门市杰出青年人才,2022年。

  3. 福建省高层次人才,2021年。

  4. 运盛青年科技奖,2016年。

  5. 福建省特殊支持高层次人才双百计划2014年。

  6. 福建省高等学校新世纪优秀人才支持计划,2013年。

  7. 新加坡&美国麻省理工学院研究中心学者奖励计划,2012年。

  8. 福建省高校杰出青年科研人才培育计划,2012年。

  9. 福建青年科技奖,2011年。




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